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Category: Activities

International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) 2019 was celebrated by Arunachal Pradesh Biodiversity Board at Van Vigyan Kendra, Chessa, Papumpare district on 22nd May, 2019 with the theme “Our Biodiversity, Our Food, Our Health”. The day long programme was organised with the full participation of the Biodiversity Management Committees of 6 villages of the district along with others villagers of Chessa and Forest Officials and School Children.

The programme organised as the part of celebration are as follow:-

1) Essay andPainting competition for Schools children:

Painting competition on the topics- General Biodiversity, Forest Biodiversity and Essay competition on the Biodiversity of Arunachal Pradesh were organised at two places at Lekhi Public school, Naharlagun and at Conference Hall, State Forest Research Institute, Itanagar, where students from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Academy, Manu Academy and City Mission Schools participated on 18th May, 2019.

For the competition students were categorised:-

i). Sub-Junior category (Class III to V) Painting
ii) Junior category (Class VI to VIII) Painting
iii) Senior Category (Class IX to XII) Essay

90 students from 4 schools participated in the competition.

2) Inaugural session of IDB-2019:

The inaugural programme of the International Day for Biological Diversity 2019 was held at Van Vigyan Kendra, Chessa, Papumpare District. The PCCF (HOFF) & Principal Secretary, Department of Environment & Forest, Arunachal Pradesh Shri Lalram Thanga, IFS, attended the programme as Chief Guest, accompanied by PCCF (P&D), Dr. Rabindra Kumar, PCCF (WL&BD), Shri Bipen Bihari, PCCF (RE), Shri Rajesh, PCCF (A&V) Shri R.K. Singh, PCCF (FCA& CAMPA) Shri A.K. Shukla. In the programme many senior forest officers, scientists of SFRI, scientist from ZSI, Itanagar and officials from other line departments and Chairman along with 70 members of 6 (six) BMCs of the district participated.

Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Guest urged the people of Arunachal Pradesh to be more pro-active in conservation, protection and preservation of nature’s bounty in the state. He also stressed on judicious and sustainable use of natural resources. He also highlighted the indigenous food habits of different tribes of Arunachal Pradesh and the importance of conserving these traditional knowledge systems.

Shri Thanga opined that Lali Anne Mountain should be declared as biological diversity park as it could be a major tourist attraction because of its proximity to the State Capital and for its rich diversity of flora and fauna.

Member Secretary, Arunachal Pradesh Biodiversity Board, Shri Dusu Shra, IFS, in his key note address, informed the aims and objectives of the Celebration of International Day for Biological Diversity 2019 with its theme and also highlighted the brief profile of the State Biodiversity Board, mentioning the principal roles and responsibilities of Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) constituted in the state. He also informed that the achievement of 43 Nos. PBRs, 32 Nos. PBRs in process for finale preparation and Biodiversity Heritage Sites 2 nos. are in process for declaration and also initiation of Biodiversity Volunteer Initiative Programme (BVIP).

He stressed on the importance of constituting Biodiversity Management Committees for conserving natural bio-resources, its documentation and creating awareness on biodiversity among different sections of the people’s. He emphasised on exploration of unknown valued food crop species available in the communities forest lands and state forest lands that can be adapted for domestication for food, healthcare and well-being of the people’s and expressed the need of development of advance technologies/ methodologies  for sustainable harvesting of bio-resources from natural habitats.

More than 300 participants including the Chairman and members of Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) from Bam, Ganga, Kokila, Lower Hollongi, NGOs from nearby Chessa, Senior Forest Officers, Scientists from SFRI, ZSI, SMPB, teachers and students from different schools attended the programme.

On the occasion, prizes with certificates and mementos were given away by the Chief Guest to the winners and runners-up of the Painting and Essay writing competitions among the School Children on 22nd May, 2019. Certificates of participation were also given to all the student participants.

3) Video Clip presentation:

Shri R.K. Taj, Scientists, SFRI presented a short video depicting the rich biodiversity of Lali-Anne Mountain. He also emphasized on the need of conserving and exploring the rich biodiversity of the state.  

As a part of the programme the BMC team of Bam village took out a bus rally taking route from Bam to Poma to Itanagar to Naharlagun, Nirjuli, Banderdewa and Chessa to generate awareness on the importance of celebrating IDB.

The BMC members, School children’s and other participants were taken to different sections of the Van Vigyan Kendra by Dr. L.R. Bhuyan, Scientist, SFRI for field visit and awareness programme.
